Monday 7 April 2014

Download Iconize WordPress Plugin Free

Iconize is a WordPress plugin for adding vector icons to posts, pages, menu items, widget titles and taxonomy terms visually, using simple and easy to use modal dialog. Plugin is built with WordPress best practises in mind and contains about 2000 icons which are crisp at 16x pixels ( except dashicons which are available in WordPress 3.8 and crisp at 20x pixels ).


Visually choose, configure, insert and edit icons using modal dialog
Within dialog you can:
Browse icons by font
Search for icon by name
Set icon color
Enable/disable color change effect on hover
Select predefined transform, animation or hover effect CSS class
Select predefined size CSS class or enter font size
Select predefined align CSS class
Add custom CSS classes
Fonts included:
Font Awesome
Fontelico and Brandico
Icomoon ( free pack )
Dashicons in WordPress 3.8 version
Editor integration:
TinyMCE visual editor plugin
See the real icons in editor content ( no shortcodes or image placeholders )
Insert icons
Edit existing icons
Combine two icons
HTML ( text ) editor plugin for inserting icons
Works on normal and fullscreen editor modes
Works on frontend editors too if needed ( dialog will need some styling )
Menus system integration
Assign icon to menu items within WP menus admin UI
Icon is inserted before menu item on front end
Widgets system integration
Assign icon to widget titles within widgets admin UI
Icon is inserted before widget title on front end
Taxonomy system integration
Assign icon to categories, tags or custom taxonomy terms ( with enabled UI ) within Add/Edit term admin screens
Display list or tag cloud of iconized terms using “Iconized Taxonomies” widget.
Included function to display single term icon on templates.
Simple settings page to enable/disable plugin components
Translation ready ( .pot file included )
RTL support
In WordPress 3.8, plugin uses new Admin UI and dialog is styled based on admin color scheme selected by users

You can try Iconize plugin here.

Usage videos:

Editor plugin in action
Inserting icons to menu items and widget titles

The following plugin customizations can be done from themes functions.php file using plugin filters so you don’t need to worry about losing them on plugin updates. You can find example customizations in the docs and i will be happy to assist you if needed.

Add your own icon fonts
Add your own transform/animation/hover effect/size/align CSS classes to dialog dropdowns
Enable/disable dialog options
Customize icon output on widget titles and menu items
Set plugin options and hide it from user
Integrate icon selector button on other admin pages/systems ( besides custom menus, widgets and taxonomy pages/systems )

If you have any question or feature request, please contact me via contact form on my profile page or leave a comment. And don’t forget to rate.


I’ve used the following open source projects.

Font Awesome by @davegandy. License – Font: SIL OFL 1.1, CSS: MIT License
Foundicons font by Zurb. License – MIT Open Source License
Genericons font by Automatic. License – GPL
Entypo font by Daniel Bruce. License – The Entypo pictograms are licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 and the font under SIL Open Font License
Typicons font by Stephen Hutchings. License – CC BY-SA
Iconic font by P.J. Onori. License – SIL Open Font License
Zocial font by Sam Collins. License – MIT Open Source License
Fontelico and Brandico fonts by Crowdsourced, for Fontello project. License – SIL Open Font License
Icomoon – free pack from IcoMoon App by Keyamoon. License – GPL
Bootstrap Modal by Twitter. License – Apache License, Version 2.0
jQuery UI Tag-it by Levy Carneiro Jr. License – MIT

Demo :
Download :

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